Today's philosophical question brought to you courtesy of my nine-year-old daughter. Deep.
She was sitting on my bed this morning, messin' with her toes, pushing some toes down, leaving other ones sticking up. And then there it was:
"Is it a swear if you do it [give someone "the finger"] with your toes?"
Excellent question, my exception-for-every-rule kid.
I'm thinking she's gonna have plenty of her own "Hmm's" any minute now.
That is an excellent question. I'll have to remember that next time I want to flip someone the toe.
My question for yesterday was "Mom, does every finger have a name?"
I should say questions, because they never end...her next question was "Well, why do they call this one (middle finger) the swear finger?"
Awesome question! What was the answer?
OK--I have now decided MY answer: it's all a matter of intent. So--yes, it's a swear if you intend it to be one. And no, it's not, if you're just sitting around toe-playing and the middle toe just happens to stick up. Make sense? Of course!
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